5770 Hurontario St Suite 102, Mississauga, ON L5R 3G5

May 1, 2021

Can you be a Bookkeeper with No Experience?

Yes absolutely! You can be a bookkeeper without experience, but you need to get some training and certifications to learn the knowledge and skills required.

What do you need to learn about bookkeeping?

A bookkeeper is responsible to manage a business’s daily financial health. You can start with an in-demand, high-paying, remote-friendly career path of bookkeeping with zero experience if you acquire the knowledge of basic accounting terminology and software skills like Quickbooks.

Accounting Knowledge: What information a Bookkeeper handles?

Learning the accounting terms is essential to get a long-run grip on bookkeeping when stepping into the profession as a beginner. Familiarize yourself with terms like a cash account, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, loans, sales, purchases, payroll expenses, general expense, retained earnings, just to name a few.

Using the information in the above-mentioned terms certain statements are prepared to represent the financial health of the business. Chart of Accounts, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet/Statement of financial position, Profit and statement/ Statement of Comprehensive Income, Statement of Changes in Equity are some main statements to mention.

This is just scratching the surface. There are several additional terms and phrases to help you get started with no prior experience. For a more detailed explanation of the terms, mentioned above, read on the blog ‘What do you learn in bookkeeping” at Gettrainedgethired.com

Software Skills: How to handle the information?

The underlying concept of bookkeeping is ‘to complete the records.’ In a robustly evolving technological environment fintech is emerging as a necessity to survive in the accounting field. This is also an opportunity for beginners to crack the gates to enter this field. Spreadsheets, Accounting Books, Bookkeeping Software, QuickBooks are just a few examples of software assistance in data handling. The software enables a bookkeeper to prepare easy-to-understand information and avoid human errors to creep in. Getting adept at these software’s can position you in light for the employers even without bookkeeping experience.

For a more information about the accounting software, mentioned above, read on the blog ‘What do you learn in bookkeeping” at Gettrainedgethired.com

Simple and Key Bookkeeping Practices

For any beginner with no experience, bookkeeping can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. You can begin on the right foot by adopting the following practices:

  • Avoid dragging the tasks to the nick of time. Keep track of dates and deadlines to avoid any eleventh-hour emergency resulting in mistakes or oversight of crucial information.
  • Be organized to avoid the hassle. Information shall be accessible when required. It is the bookkeeper’s major task to bring the right information at the right time.
  • Keep checklists of records maintained. This will always keep a bookkeeper compliant with regulations.

You also must be self-motivated, organized, and practice efficient time-management. These are crucial traits you must possess and master to succeed in professional bookkeeping. You must start working on these elements while you are still in training to enter the accountancy profession.


Again, bookkeepers are not at the advising level of the business hence no prior experience is mandatory. Some employers prefer hiring beginners with a required skill set.

To summarize when you decide to adopt bookkeeping as a profession with no prior experience, move on with the following steps:

i.) Get basic bookkeeping training.
ii.) Learn how to use accounting software.
iii.) Acquire a blend of soft and hard skills.
iv.) Look for potential employers preferring beginners. Market yourself with acquired skills and knowledge to grab opportunities.
v.) Negotiate for a reasonable payback as at this stage you just need a breakthrough in the market.
vi.) Invest in yourself by actively improving your skills and knowledge. Keep searching for resources that are regularly updated to keep you in the know. This will be a critical element for those with no experience in bookkeeping.

Once you are sure to enter this desirable and rewarding profession of bookkeeping but have no prior experience and are not sure where to start, then reach out to Gettrainedgethired.com to book a free 30-Minute career counseling meeting. At Gettrainedgethired.com we provide you with the necessary training to learn practical skills to become an accountant. Our training is based on practical real-life cases. After the training, we work on your resume and try to place you in accounting firms through our network. You will also get access to like-minded individuals who are looking for jobs through our WhatsApp group. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] . Or call us at 647-275-7150.


Salman Rundhawa

Salman has a strong desire to help others succeed and believe in passing on the knowledge. He likes to mentor others and wish to play part in other people success.
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