In the current business world, accounting is one of the most highly regarded careers. A career in accountancy is all about helping companies, from small charities to global businesses, and individuals to assist in the management of their finances. Accountants are to ensure they comply with relevant legal regulations and to plan appropriately for the future. Accountants are responsible for interpreting financial information and making informed decisions about an organization’s prosperity and direction.
Recent economic challenges have now meant that accountants are crucial for businesses to meet the needs of dynamic business environments. Accounting and finance professionals work to ensure that companies and businesses are financially efficient and profitable along with producing and providing information and records. An accountant must have strong mathematical and analytical skills and considerable technical accounting knowledge. Accountants are also highly valued for their commercial know-how, analytical thinking, and leadership abilities.
It is possible to study and work as an accountant in three main areas - within an accountancy firm that provides services to external clients, within the finance sector of a commercial organization, and within the finance sector of a public sector organization.
There is a wide range of disciplines to choose from and specialize in, and within each, there are various types of roles to select from:
Professional accounting qualifications will enable participants to undertake the duties of a professional accountant. These qualifications are highly respected and many career paths are available to you, whether you want to work in an accounting role within a practice, an industry, or the public sector. This career path will also make it possible for you to move into other highly paid business areas. Working within this sector will also give you in-depth business knowledge that would be invaluable should you wish to start your own business.
Obtaining a recognized accountancy qualification will open up many career opportunities. A higher percentage of board members have an accountancy qualification than any other kind of post-graduate qualification.
Your earning potential will increase significantly once you have completed your qualifications. If you choose to study and work in the banking and investment sector your salary is more likely to be significantly higher. Employment for accountants has risen over the past years and is expected to continuously grow through to 2025.
If you work for an accounting firm, the nature of many areas of work will mean you will spend a considerable amount of time out of your office visit your clients. For instance, if you are required to audit a large company, you could potentially spend three or four weeks working away from the office.
As a whole, accountants enjoy a decent work/life balance with fairly normal working hours. However, there are exceptions when it comes to busier times on the years such as financial quarterly and end of the financial year where the pressure will be a little more intense. If you do not work well under pressure, then this may not be the career path for you. Status and earning potential are some of the great benefits of being an accountant and accounting qualifications can open career paths worldwide.
If you are just starting out, consider registering with a temporary staffing agency. It is highly beneficial to use a temporary staffing agency and it can help you find a variety of accounting jobs and open doors to potential industries. You can find a wealth of temporary accounting jobs during the end of the financial year tax season. Although this will give you a look into a variety of companies, obtaining contemporary work can give you insights into different accounting jobs. This can also be a head start to full-time accounting roles.
Accounting is a diverse career with virtually unlimited options. If you have the right skill set for the job you can find a way to apply them that will also suit your personal strengths and personality. If you need any assistance in preparing your resume or you need more specific interview guidelines that best suit your personal requirements to have a breakthrough in the Canadian job market reach out to to book a free 30-Minute career counseling meeting. At we provide you with the necessary training to learn practical skills to become an accountant. Our training is based on practical real-life cases. After the training, we work on your resume and try to place you in accounting firms through our network. You will also get access to like-minded individuals who are looking for jobs through our WhatsApp group. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Or call us at 647-275-7150
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