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June 8, 2022

Job Hunting Tips for a Changing Career

Finding and even landing a career that you love can too often seem like a difficult feat. When it comes to searching for the right job, it can be hard to know where to start. Here are top some tips for finding a job.

Information is abundant out there when it comes to job hunting tips and how to land your dream job, but there are only so many times you can hear the phrase ‘leverage your network’ and still feel like you’re getting nowhere. When we are unsure what career path to choose, we’re often told to ‘pursue our passions’ but that can be easier said than done.

1. Manage Your Expectations

It’s important to know what you want, but it’s also key to understand what you’re capable of and what is realistic. Want to be the CEO? That’s fantastic, but everyone has to start somewhere, and there’s often more than one pathway to your dream job, so consider all angles and be open to the possibilities. No matter how unachievable the goal might seem, the steps you take to get there are what’s most important.

It’s crucial to have passions and know what they are, but passion can not be the only thing you consider when choosing a career. You also need to take into account your skill set. Are you the creative type, good with children or can you speak Spanish? Often people don’t follow their passions, but apply for jobs they’re skilled at.

This can often be the key to contentment in your job. If you’re good at something, you’re rewarded for it and praise tends to lead to satisfaction. Consider what skills you might possess and the best careers that need this type of talent.

Do you have a creative flair? Consider something in beauty, interior design, or even marketing. Are you a natural-born leader? Look for positions you might like in project management, business analysis, or even government jobs! There’s always going to be a career path that suits your talents and skillset.

Don’t give up on what you’re passionate about, but don’t disregard what you excel at either.

2. Get to Action!

Applying for jobs and attending interviews can be a daunting experience. Expect that you won’t always win the job and sometimes that is a good thing, it wasn’t the perfect fit for you. The more you write resumes and answer interview questions, the more confident you’ll become. There will always be new opportunities, it’s up to you to grab them as they come and make the most of them. So go on and apply for that dream job!

3. Honesty is the Best Policy

No one is perfect, so don’t try to be. If you don’t know the answer to something, don’t try to forge an answer or say what you think the employer wants to hear. If you are asked a question you don’t know the answer to, be honest and explain that although you might not know the answer, you’re willing to broaden your knowledge in that area. Hiring managers can usually tell the difference between sincerity and bluffing, so it’s best to be straight up.

4. Tailor Yourself to the Job

Whether you’re currently out of work or looking for a career change; it’s always a good idea to apply for multiple jobs. Even if the jobs you’re looking at all have the same title, they can vary quite a bit in terms of the roles and responsibilities and experience required. As each job varies, so should your resume. This isn’t about forgery, but about tailoring your resume and cover letter to suit the specific role you are applying for. Some skills you possess could be crucial for one role and completely irrelevant for another, so be selective on what you include, rather than just listing everything you can do.

When it comes to tailoring your resume, don’t just copy and paste the keywords in the job description. If they’re looking for someone with ‘great attention to detail,’ instead of saying ‘I have great attention to detail’ show them this by making sure there are no spelling or grammar errors in your resume and maybe say that you have strong editing skills instead.

With each resume, you want to be showcasing your strengths in the areas that seem to be most important to that role. You also want to clearly articulate what you have to offer to the company, whether that be your skills, experience, perspective, etc. so that whoever is ready your resume, which could be someone from the HR department, a recruiter, your potential employer, or a mix of these, can quickly see the value you would provide to the business.

5. Be Remembered

When it comes to interviews, you want to stand out from the competition. Do your research about the company and show you're interested in the business by asking them questions about their latest work. The easiest way to stand out in interviews is to wear something striking like a bright red top or blue blazer, provided it’s suitable for the role you’re applying for, you’ll help jog the employer’s memory.

Don’t sound like a monologue. We all want to come across as educated and articulate, but this doesn’t mean reciting a well-rehearsed script. Try to have a few stories and answers in mind instead. A great way to do this is to have a few keywords to help you remember the stories. If you are asked if there’s ever been a challenge you’ve overcome, remember a keyword that will remind you of the story but will allow you to tell the story authentically, rather than robotically.

This is especially important if the interviewer asks a question that you’re not expecting, as you won’t be so caught off guard. When asked about yourself, tell your story, maybe an interesting fact about yourself, tell them about your hobbies outside of work, don’t just tell them the stuff they can already find on your resume.

Finally, to make an impression, a great idea is to follow up your interview with a thank-you note. This can be done with a simple email, sent soon after the email. An employer will be impressed by your thoughtfulness and appreciation for their time, and this will leave a lasting impression in their mind.

6. Listen and Learn

Too often, job seekers are so focused on giving the perfect response in an interview that they fail to listen to the employer. Of course, you should have a few responses ready, but there’s a time to talk and a time to listen. You shouldn’t be spending the entire interview talking their ear off; make sure to give the interviewer a chance to speak, and be sure to ask any questions you have. Want to know what the work culture is like? Need more clarity on your day-to-day responsibilities? Take the time to ask these important questions and really listen to the responses. An interview is just as much about finding the right fit for you as it is for them.

7. Exist in the Digital World

Consider this: more than 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn as their primary search tool. If you’re already on LinkedIn, that’s great, but just having an account is not enough. You need to use this social media platform to its full potential. Treat your account as your online resume and don’t be afraid to reach out to people in your field of interest.

Send out an invitation to job recruiters and like-minded professionals in your field of interest. Make sure to include a personal note, and don’t be afraid to ask if they know of any job opportunities available.

8. Master the Art

The best way to climb the ladder of success? Work hard and become a professional in your field. Make yourself indispensable by being the best you can be. Sometimes this means going the extra mile—maybe trying to read some books in your field of work, watching video tutorials, downloading a podcast, or attending lectures and seminars that can help you strengthen or broaden your knowledge. There should always be room for growth and improvement, so don’t get lost in the routine of every day, try new things, and research better ways of doing things.

Bottom Line 

Numerous courses give accounting professionals a step up in the industry; these will help you differentiate yourself from the competition and earn higher salary rates. Reach out to Gettrainedgethired.com to book a free 30-Minute career counseling meeting. At Gettrainedgethired.com we provide you with the necessary training to learn practical skills to become an accountant. Our training is based on practical real-life cases.  After the training, we work on your resume and try to place you in accounting firms through our network. You will also get access to like-minded individuals who are looking for jobs through our WhatsApp group. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Or call us at 647-275-7150.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is intended to provide general information. The information does not consider your situation and is not intended to be used without consultation from professionals. Salman Rundhawa and Gettrainedgethired.com will not be held liable for any problems that arise from the usage of the information provided on this page.


Salman Rundhawa

Salman has a strong desire to help others succeed and believe in passing on the knowledge. He likes to mentor others and wish to play part in other people success.
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