A lot of international students and immigrants will face the question of whether to stay in Canada or go back to their home country when things start to take turn for the worst. I understand that your finances are running out and you are unable to secure a job and your very survival might be at stake and you are wondering is it worth it. Well here are my thoughts and I hope they will help you make a well informed decision.
Life is a one-way street and the only way is forward. There is no going back. You need to make a decision as without a decision noting happens. You need the four D: desire, decision, determination and discipline. If the thought of going back ever comes to your mind and you start thinking about it as an option then you will not be successful. You need to block the exit. There should not be any exit strategy as it distracts you from the struggle. Yes, it's going to be tuff and at times unfair but you need to stay, keep trying and have faith. There is no running from the battlefield. You got to win it as your life depends on it.
I have seen immigrants going back to their home country when things get hard but they end up coming back and wasting precious time and resources in the whole process. Do not make this mistake.
It's only when you have accepted your reality that you will take steps to change it. Make a commitment to yourself "There is no going back; I am in it for the long run; no matter how hard it gets I will be successful" and then you work on becoming a success
Always remember that reason you took the decision to immigrate. You are here for mainly five things
Security: The state of security in Canada is one of the best in the world and it’s a great feeling to know that your family and loved one are in a safe environment. You can put a $ price on this.
Quality of life: Canada is one of the most beautiful places. There are beaches, parks and lots of fun activities to do both in winter and summer. All these facilities help improve the quality of life
Health: Canadian health system is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but it is still among the top-ranked. Your family will get the best in health care and it's a great accomplishment to be able to provide them this opportunity.
Education: Your children will get the best education which will open new doors for them.
Canadian Passport: You can travel to so many countries visa free. This is great for your business and for you as in individual as this will open up the world for you. Not to mention all the traveling that awaits you.
It’s always a good idea to reach out and ask for help. There is no shame in it. Seek out the people who are successful and ask them for guidance. Send emails to mangers and partners and ask to meet them for a 15 minute meeting. Go to them with your resume and ask for help. People like to help and sometimes all you have to do is ask and they will open up their contacts and resources for you to utilize. I got my first job through my land lord. Look around yourself and seek help
You have invested significant time and energy in building relationships back home and you must take steps to preserve your previous relations and build new ones to increase your social circle. Remember family and friends are all that matter when everything is said and done. Especially in hard time your turn to your family and friends for help, so make sure that you keep them close and connect with them frequently. Although it’s not going to be easy due to time differences and physical distance so the best way to do it is to set up a fixed time on weekends to call your family and friends. This connection will help you in reducing your anxiety and you do not have to suffer alone.