5770 Hurontario St Suite 102, Mississauga, ON L5R 3G5

July 27, 2022

What Characteristics Make A Successful Accountant in Canada?

Naturally, not every accountant in the nation performs up to the same standard. Every accountant worthy of their certification should be expected to thoroughly analyze and report financial records, but the most essential characteristics of an accountant extend beyond the bare minimum demands of the job. In addition to being financially literate, top-notch accountants must also possess several personal characteristics to ensure that they can provide the best possible quality of service.

1. Service-oriented Mindset

No matter how many numbers may be involved in the job, accounting is still primarily a people business. Accountants must not only be comfortable with financial calculations, but they must also have a certain level of finesse and enthusiasm in dealing with their clients as people. Accountants should look forward to directly interacting with their clients to build rapport while learning as much as possible.

In addition to being fully aware of all of the economic and industrial factors, accountants must also be fully invested in their clients to learn as much as possible; not only will this demonstrate genuine care for the client’s needs, but it will also make the accountant far better equipped to determine what courses of action will be the most relevant for their client’s specific needs.

2. Innovativeness

Just because an accountant's trade is primarily in numbers doesn’t mean that there isn’t any room for creative thinking. The best accountants will never settle for cookie-cutter methods if there is an opportunity to develop a better solution.

Competent accountants will have the skill to implement unconventional yet effective approaches to problems that demand more than the textbook approach. The ability to intuitively formulate an out-of-the-box strategy to deal with unique situations must first be developed with experience, but before that, an accountant must at least be willing to practice and strengthen their innovative capabilities.

3. Reliability and Trustworthiness

The intimate details that clients share with their accountants must never be leaked to third parties, neither intentionally nor accidentally. The client must able to have well-placed trust in their accountant’s ability and willingness to keep vital information confidential at all times; this is both a matter of professionalism and basic ethics. The impression that an accountant leaves on their client will likely color the impression that future clients have on them as well, which means that trustworthiness is essential for both the client’s safety and the accountant’s career.

4. Strong Organizational Skills

The best accountants will always be characterized by strong organizational skills. Every single bit of data and paperwork must be accounted for at all times, no matter how minor it may seem. Poor organizational skills will be the Achilles’ heel of even the most naturally brilliant and well-intentioned accountants in the field. Being well-organized ensures that accounts are always capable of quickly accessing any material they need, which optimizes productivity and frees up more time for the most important tasks at hand.

5. Vigilance

The state of the economy and nuances of tax law is subject to change at any time, so it is essential for an accountant to always be aware of the latest amendments. The fact that the field is constantly in flux is one of the primary reasons why an accountant’s expertise is necessary in the first place.

Even if the accountant is fully confident in their awareness of all of the fine details, they must always keep current with the field to ensure that their knowledge is still relevant and applicable. What might have been an airtight strategy months ago may no longer be viable in the current time, and a high-quality accountant must always be able to react to this scenario before it becomes an immediate problem?

The most important characteristics of an accountant are what will drive them to go above and beyond the call of duty. Innovativeness, reliability, and organizational skills are what separate bare-minimum accountants from true professionals.

The exceptional accountant must possess two vital characteristics above all else: a genuine passion for their field that compels them to constantly keep up to date with the latest news, and a strong focus on providing each client with even better service than they expect. For the best in the industry, over-delivery is a standard policy in accountancy.

Is an accounting career the right fit for you?

Now that you’ve become acquainted with the ins and outs of accounting—including the array of specialties that exist within the field—you can rest easy knowing that you can start taking steps toward your future career without pigeonholing yourself into one specific path.

But even if you’re now certain that accounting is the perfect career fit for you, there are a few steps you’ll need to take before you reach that end goal.

Studying with Get Trained Get Hired is your opportunity to see if a career in accountancy is for you. Reach out to Get Trained Get Hired to book a free 30-Minute career counseling meeting. At Get Trained Get Hired we provide you with the necessary training to learn practical skills to become an accountant. Our training is based on practical real-life cases. After the training, we work on your resume and try to place you in accounting firms through our network. You will also get access to like-minded individuals who are looking for jobs through our WhatsApp group. Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Or call us at 647-275-7150.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page is intended to provide general information. The information does not consider your situation and is not intended to be used without consultation from professionals. Salman Rundhawa and Gettrainedgethired.com will not be held liable for any problems that arise from the usage of the information provided on this page.


Salman Rundhawa

Salman has a strong desire to help others succeed and believe in passing on the knowledge. He likes to mentor others and wish to play part in other people success.
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